Candidates those who Passed in Teachers Eligibility Test ( TET ) Conducted by TRB, can Know your cutoff in various categories like weightage, Community, Age and District wise.
You can also calculate your paper I and paper II weightage too.
Features :
* Weightage Calculator
* TET Cutoff
Weightage wise
District wise
* Paper I Comparison Sheet
* Paper II Comparison Sheet
Kandidat mereka yang Lulus dalam Guru Kelayakan Test (TET) Dilakukan oleh TRB, dapat Tahu cutoff Anda dalam berbagai kategori seperti weightage, Komunitas, Umur dan Kabupaten bijaksana.
Anda juga dapat menghitung saya kertas dan kertas II weightage juga.
Fitur :
* Weightage Kalkulator
* TET Cutoff
weightage bijaksana
District bijaksana
* Kertas Saya Comparison Sheet
* Kertas II Comparison Sheet